One occupation is not enough to describe Rachel Norstrom. Rachel is many things— a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and a purpose-driven fashionista. When I had first seen Rachel, I was amazed at her output energy. She is so committed to a vast array of projects, and always seems to be everywhere at once. Rachel definitely reminds me of Supergirl. This 24-year-old from New York, is definitely finding herself and growing into her purpose by telling a story with everything she does.
“I really struggled with what direction to take my career in college. I studied English for three years because I love literature, but last minute I changed my focus and graduated with a science degree,” Rachel said. “I used to think I’d be a novelist, who knows maybe one day I still will be.”
Now, as a creator of fashion stories, Rachel shared that she fell into the role, by just doing something she truly loved. “I’m so blessed that it took off the way that it did and manifested into this dream of mine that I never really knew existed.”
In the chaotic world of social media, Rachel was advised from the beginning to remember to “stay in her lane.”
“On a platform where there are thousands of people in the same industry as I am in… It’s hard not to constantly compare and contrast what I’m doing to what everyone else is doing,” Rachel said. “It’s important to remember that if you’re in your own lane, going your own speed… then you have no competition but yourself. I try to just strive for self-improvement.”
Rachel draws inspiration, of her style stories, from everything around her—from locations, to movies, commercials and outfits she has seen. “I really love when one of us see this vision in our minds of what the photo will look like and watching it manifest itself in real life.”
Rachel is also a full-time caregiver to her youngest 3-year-old daughter who was born with End Stage Kidney Failure. “She is currently being treated via kidney transplant (my husband gave his kidney to her). Currently there is no cure for it, and I’d like to see that change in my lifetime… I’m very passionate about finding a cure for kidney disease.”

One of Rachel’s goals in life is to set up a foundation to aid families going through transplantation/dialysis due to the lack of resources. With a big and willing heart, Rachel puts her best in everything she does.
“I would be lying if I said I have figured that out yet. I think a lot of balance comes in reminding myself when to “turn off” work Rachel, and be mom or wife Rachel,” Rachel said. “I try to be mindful of everything that I need to do in a day and who or what needs my attention. My kids always come first. If I have to get up at 6am to get work done, I do.”
With 2020 just around the corner, Rachel is excited for all the possibilities that will come with the New Year. “I can only say so much, but I really want to incorporate teaching into what I do,” Rachel said. “I want to be of value to my audience more than ever before.”
1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Coffee! Two shots of espresso with peppermint creamer is my absolute favorite.
2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
Turtlenecks, and vintage Levi’s. I like basics with a nostalgic feel. I am loving 90’s reminiscent fashion right now.
3. If you could pick one word to describe you what would it be?
Bold. I’ve done a lot of things that I regret, but I’ve never not done something and regretted not taking that chance.
4. What’s one beauty tip you would pass on?
Skincare. I had absolutely no skincare routine until last year and I kick myself for it all the time. We only get one set of skin, take care of it!
5. Everyday is better with: Family.